Mari kita tengok kata psikiater anak terkemuka, yang namanya sudah tidak asing lagi dalam dunia psikiatri anak dan psikologi perkembangan anak, Stanley I. Greenspan, M.D., tentang pentingnya relasi orangtua-anak dan pentingnya jumlah waktu kebersamaan orangtua dengan anak. Yah, sejauh yang saya ketahui, semua para ahli perkembangan anak, yang benar-benar peduli dengan anak, selalu mendukung orangtua untuk memberikan perhatian dan waktu yang cukup untuk anak-anaknya. Mereka ini tak dapat berpaling ataupun berkelit dari kenyataan bahwa anak-anak sangat membutuhkan kehadiran orangtua, bahkan ketika mereka harus menghadapi sikap kontra dari pihak-pihak yang tidak setuju terhadap saran mereka yang dinilai bertentangan dengan gerakan feminisme, yaitu menghalangi para ibu untuk berkarier, atau merugikan pihak pebisnis day-care. Satu alasannya, mereka hanya ingin anak-anak mendapat yang terbaik.
Buku : The Irreducible Needs of Children
Dalam buku ini, dibahas bahwa 3 dari 6 kebutuhan anak yang mutlak harus dipenuhi agar anak berkembang optimal antara lain adalah :
- Kebutuhan akan sebuah relasi yang mengayomi yang berkesinambungan.
- Kebutuhan akan perlindungan fisik, keamanan, dan keteraturan.
- Kebutuhan akan komunitas yang stabil dan suportif.
Berikut adalah review yang ditulis oleh salah satu pembacanya :
"Gail Hudson's review above words things a little oddly. True, you could argue that this book says children ideally should be in day care less than 30 hours a week, but what it actually says it that ideally, an infant should be at home with a full=time parent! Less than ideal is excellent day care, and it should not happen more than 30 hours a week.
These and other specifics are in this book - how many floor sessions to have with a toddler, how much holding time an infant needs, how many hours of one on one an elementary schooler needs. This book is marvelous. All parents will find they've fallen short of the ideal, but here's some directions to follow in geting back on track."
Buku : The Four-Third Solution
Review :
"Back in the Middle Ages (or before 1965), Mom usually stayed home while the children were little, and enjoyed playing with her children. Since then, the new ideal is for parents to both have great educations, demanding careers, and a nice family. The research in 1965 said that with "quality time" and love that all of this was possible. Now, Dr. Greenspan argues that until age five children need to have a lot of dedicated time from the same caregiver, ideally a parent, and not too much time in loosely supervised day care. The research in this book suggests that almost all day care is not "quality time" and such day care must be held to a minimum.
The basic concept of how to deal with this is to first have the parents rethink their lives so that the children get the attention they need while under five, and use the best quality day care you can access the rest of the time. While the book's title suggests that each parent works two-thirds time and parents one-third time, in practice most families will adopt some other solution that creates at least two-thirds of one parent's time to be with the youngest children in the family. The book contains six examples of how this is accomplished (including one divorced couple splitting days and visiting briefly each day, one stay-at-home Dad, one "tag-team" couple who works adjacent shifts and covers for the family when off duty, one "working out of the home" Dad, a traditional family where Mom does the heavy parenting and Dad helps out when not working, and one couple who does the two-thirds, two-thirds part-time jobs solution suggested by the book's title)."
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