Boys having more than 30 hours a week in nonmaternal childcare had a significantly increased risk of insecure attachment, regardless of the quality of the childcare or other factors.
In November 2008, the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development released another report about the follow-up to age 15 years. This presented evidence that...“Higher hours of nonrelative care predicted greater risk-taking and impulsivity at age 15.” (Mothering Denied - The sources of love, and how our culture harms infants, women, and society by Dr. Peter Cook, ©2009).
We often hear of “quality-time” versus “quantity-time” from daycare advocates. I do not believe there is much quality-time to be had after putting in an eight to ten hour day at the office or daycare. Parents are too tired and children are as well. Not only did the parents work all day, now they must complete all of the tasks that were not accomplished while at work. The children must go to the grocery store when they are exhausted and starved for attention. Upon arriving at home, parents have to worry about paying the bills, making dinner, doing the dishes, placing phone calls, making sure there are clean clothes for the following day, etc. (Doing Time: What It Really Means To Grow Up In Daycare by May Saubier, ©2012).
Dalam sebuah jajak pendapat yang diadakan Asda, dengan
responden lebih dari 5.000 ibu yang berusia 20 - 70 tahun, kebanyakan dari
mereka menyatakan bahwa mereka
cemas karena merasa gagal menyeimbangkan pekerjaan dan kehidupan keluarga.
Mereka merasa gagal tidak bisa menjadi ibu yang sempurna (Natalia Ririh, "Ibu Bekerja Butuh Dukungan Suami," Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012
New findings from studies of the Early Child Care Research Network of the US National Institute of Child Health confirm the undesirable socio-emotional effects in children of non-maternal care, with poorer mother-child relationships and increased aggressiveness and disobedience at age six both at school and at home.
A large scale synthesis from 88 studies concluded that regular non-parental care for more than 20hours a week had an unmistakably negative effect on socio-emotional development, behaviour and attachment of young children. (Violata, C. & Russell, C., ‘Effects of Non-maternal Care on Child Development: A Meta-analysis of Published Research.’ Paper presented at 55th annual convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Penticton, British Columbia 1994)
Longer periods of fulltime employment by mothers when their children were aged 1-5 tended to: reduce the child’s chances of obtaining A-level qualifications, increase the child’s risk of unemployment and other economic activity in early adulthood, increase the child’s risk of experiencing psychological distress as a young adult. (Professor John Ermisch, Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of Essex. ‘The Effect of Parents’ Employment on outcomes for children’ (Joseph Rowntree Foundation 2001)
jeung.. ijin pinjam beberapa quotenya ya untuk tulisan di blog...
Iya, boleh, boleh, silakan :)